Privacy Policy scrum master

Home Privacy Policy scrum master

Privacy Policy scrum master app


The Privacy Policy describes how the Scrum Master Certification Exam App collects and uses Personal Data.

Data Controller and Protection Officer:

The Scrum Master Certification Exam App is the data controller.

Children Under 13:

The Scrum Master Certification Exam App is not intended for individuals under 13 years old.

Information Collection:

The Scrum Master Certification Exam App collects personal information directly from users and through automated technologies.

Lawful Basis for Processing:

The Scrum Master Certification Exam App processes personal data based on consent, legitimate interests, fulfilling contractual obligations, and legal requirements.

Special Categories of Information:

The Scrum Master Certification Exam App does not request or knowingly collect special categories of personal data.

Automated Decision Making:

The Scrum Master Certification Exam App may use automated decision-making processes based on algorithms.

How Information is Used:

Information is used to provide services, communicate with users, enforce contracts, and improve services.

Disclosure of Information:

The Scrum Master Certification Exam App may share personal data with third-party service providers, in business transactions, to comply with legal obligations, or with user consent.

Choices About Information Use:

Users have options to opt-out of tracking technology, targeted advertising, and disclosure of personal data to third parties for advertising purposes.

Rights Regarding Information:

Users have rights to access, update, restrict, and delete personal data, as well as the right to complain to supervisory authorities.

Data Security:

The Scrum Master Certification Exam App implements measures to protect personal data but cannot guarantee complete security.

Consent to Processing in the US:

The Scrum Master Certification Exam App may process personal data outside the user's home country, including the US, with appropriate safeguards.

Data Retention:

Personal data is retained for as long as the user keeps their account open or as necessary to comply with legal requirements.

Changes to Privacy Policy:

Changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on the website, and users are encouraged to review updates.

Contact Information:

Users can contact the Scrum Master Certification Exam App regarding privacy concerns or requests related to personal data through specified contact channels.

Refund Policy:

Once a user subscribes to the Scrum Master Certification Exam App, subscription fees are non-refundable.

By subscribing to our app, you acknowledge and agree that all subscription payments are final, and no refunds will be provided after subscription. However, users may cancel their subscription at any time, and the subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle.


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